I’m New!
10:00 am - Sunday School/Adult Bible study
11:00 am - Morning Service
6:00 pm - Evening Service
6:00 pm - Soul Winning
7:00 pm - Mid-Week Service
7:00 pm - Teen Time in the Bible (6th-12th Grade)
7:00 pm - Junior Bible Club (4yrs-5th Grade)
We are so excited to have you visit Community Baptist Church! We understand that visiting a new church can be intimidating, and we hope to help you feel comfortable by being friendly, helpful, and encouraging. We want to strengthen your worship of God by hearing messages from the Word of God, and by listening to and participating in God-honoring music. We hope you will feel at home at Community Baptist Church.
What Should I Expect?
When you arrive at Community Baptist Church, you will be met at the door by a friendly greeter who can help direct you to where you need to go. During our 10 am Sunday School hour, there are classes for all stages of life. Join us for coffee on your way to class, and get to know Pastor and Mrs. Jackson better by attending their Young Married Couples’ and Women’s classes respectively.
Our services at 11 am and 6 pm on Sundays are focused on hearing the preaching of God’s Word and enjoying those using their talents for God’s glory. We are blessed with a number of musically talented members, and are thankful we can hear them serve God with their talents in the choir, orchestra, and special music.
Where Do I Take My Kids?
During all of the services at Community Baptist there are nurseries available for babies and toddlers up to three years of age. They will be taken care of by experienced workers and caring mothers.
For older children 4 years old through 5th grade, there are various Sunday School classes, Junior Church, and Wed. Junior Bible Club for them to attend. Sixth grade through twelfth grade participate in the youth group.
What Happens on Wednesdays?
At 6 pm on Wednesdays, the staff and members of CBC go out soul-winning. At 7 pm we meet back in the auditorium for our midweek service. Youth group (6th-12th grade) and Junior Bible Club (4 yr old-5th grade) meet at 7 pm, as well.